Monday, November 30, 2020

International Kempo Federation

 Seems to be a mostly European kenpo organization.

Friday, November 27, 2020

80 years of Bruce Lee

 Today would have been Bruce Lee's 80th birthday. 

Happy birthday to the Dragon.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Life of a Dragon - the Untold Story of Bruce Lee

Brett McKay and Matthew Polly discuss Bruce Lee on the Art of Manliness podcast.

Today on the show, Matthew and I explore the creation of the legend that is Bruce Lee, starting with his unique family history that had him straddling Eastern and Western cultures his entire life. Matthew gives us vignettes into Lee’s early life that show his fire, scrappiness, and love of martial arts, including his rise as a child star in Hong Kong and his love of street brawling. We then discuss how Lee started formal kung fu training as a teenager and how his ambition caused him to bump heads with his teachers. Matthew then shares how coming to America helped Lee refine and reinvent his martial arts practice, how Lee got his break in Hollywood, and how he ended up teaching kung fu to movie stars like Steve McQueen and James Coburn. Along the way, Matthew shares details of Lee’s relentless fitness routine and talks about Lee’s personal library of over 2,500 books that included a lot of philosophy and psychology. We end our conversation discussing Lee’s legacy and how he changed not only cinema, but our idea of manhood in America.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

White gi with red piping

 An unusual photo of Mr. Parker, wearing a white gi with red piping.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Friday, November 6, 2020

Jeet Kune Do

Bruce Lee's philosophies and Mr. Parker's philosophies were quite similar.