Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Lessons I Have Learned Giving Lessons
(recently posted on Facebook by Mr. Bob White)
1. “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”
2. What you do in practice is what you do in the game
3. Your victories take place in the gym long before you enter the arena
4. The more you sweat in the studio the less you bleed outside
5. The will to win is not as important as the will to prepare to win
6. The road is greater than the inn
7. There are 3 levels in which you do your forms
1. Memorize
2. Visualize
3. Actualize
8. Your art can be broken into 3 increments
1. Forms + basics
2. Self Defense techniques
3. Sparring
9. Your fight style can be broken down into 3 methods
1. Defense
2. Counters
3. Entry techniques
10. In kicking techniques you have 4 major concerns
1. Protection
2. Balance
3. Weapon
4. Depth
11. Cover your distance with weapons and not targets
12. Don’t let what you can’t do interfere with what you can do
13. Interview the people you train with to get feedback on your progress
14. Using the above mention breakdowns do honest and continual inventories on your skills and your attitude.
15. Embrace the things you do well but actively work on your troubled areas
16. Keep a recorded notebook on your Karate journey
17. Educate yourself by reading books and asking questions
18. Embrace the 4 Laws of Learning
1. Explanation
2. Demonstration
3. Imitation
4. Repetition
19. If it’s not worth dying over it’s not worth fighting over
20. The most dangerous technique we can throw is one that is done half way.
21. The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement
22. Respect is earned. It can’t be demanded or purchased
23. Surround yourself with people that have a real passion for training
24. Remember there is a condition that has kept people in everlasting ignorance and that condition is, “Contempt prior to investigation.”
25. Create a culture of coaching and give back to your school and our community through service work.