Tuesday, March 28, 2023

1980's Professor Chow t-shirt for sale on Ebay

An actual Professor Chow's t-shirt from the 1980's is for sale on Ebay, for a cool $99.99

Hey, at least its under a hundred dollars. 

PROFESSORS CHOW'S Chinese Kara-Ho Kempo Karate vintage t shirt L 1980s HAWAII


(front logo)

(back logo)

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Advertisement for grand opening of Mr. White's school

(recently posted on Mr. White's Facebook page)

An advertisement for the February 3rd, 1972 opening of Mr. White's school, with a demonstration no less from Mr. Parker.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Classic photo of Mr. Parker

 Mr. Parker would have been 92 years old today.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Instructor Purpose/Focus

(posted recently on Mr. Conatser's Facebook page)

While watching a few different Advanced Kenpo students demonstrate various self defense techniques and forms, I noticed a few oversites in their execution from an analytical point of view as an "instructor".

Any great instructor's most important job should be that of the"improvement of the students skills and awareness", and not just having good business ideals.

I believe this factor is missed or at least downplayed in numerous situations in Liu of specific facts of the Martial Arts either due to instructor/student preferences rather than a complete syllabus coverage of material available.

Our Salutation expresses 3 specific areas of knowledge & skill, "body, mind & spirit".

I'll focus on one specific aspect (body) i.e., BASICS.

The "8 Considerations" Volume I, Infinite Insights by FGM Parker covers this regarding "POSITION", which refers to the BODY, optimization of posture (stance), arm & leg actions such as blocking, punching, kicking, rolling, & various other methods of execution utilizing our natural body (and parts of) to defend ourselves during a confrontation.

Proper "alignments" of any of our BASICS is CRITICAL for optimal execution and results.  I cannot over emphasize the importance of correct and solid basics, yet in viewing many  advanced students execution of various basics, I find a lack of correct fundamental execution absent.

IMHO, the individuals I witnessed have trained for several years (due to the ranks they wear) and are more than capable of form befitting their rank.  So why the discrepancy of detail-?

I believe the answer lies with the lack of close attention to detail from a suitably skilled and watchful instructor.  As mentioned earlier... 

A great instructor's most important job should be the correct form and execution of any/all material in the syllabus and knowledge associated.

Practicing self defense forms, sets, techniques and actions INCORRECTLY  develops BAD HABITS and nets subpar results.

Great instructors pay CLOSE attention to DETAILS.  As the saying goes; "close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades & ICBM's".

In Boxing, professional fighters DO NOT hire "exceptional trainers and cornermen" to tell them all the great things they do... rather, they seek out the best available trainers to assist in proper training, care & strategy/advice to give the best possible outcome during a match. 

Average trainers do not have the professional experience in training, care or advice prior or during a fight.

"EXCELLENCE" should be the goal to any Kenpo or martial artist.  The attention to DETAIL was one of FGM Parkers Paramount abilities and desires for his students.

We should ALL strive for his ideals.

Examine your performances, especially the diminutive details for increased results.

Friday, March 10, 2023

What determines a sophisticated basic?

(recently posted on Facebook by Mr. Tatum)

What determines a sophisticated basic? It is single in action but dual in purpose, on one level this is true but let's expand on this.

What determines a remedial basic technique from an advanced technique?

A basic technique for instance in yellow belt is made of basically three (actions) with each basic addressing one dimension with its use.

When you take a basic technique and alter its use to work within three dimensions you have now taken that technology (technique) to an advanced level.

The Basic itself stays constant along with all concepts and principles.

Advanced usage is when your mind can relate to the change of dimensions thus making the basic function on any plane and or direction. This includes the entire body moving about these planes of action.

Your ability to intercept unseen targets along your path of action and make instant changes in your lines or orbits at will is another means of sophisticating your action.

This advancement of Dimensional use is carried forward through each belt level.

This goes for you the defender and the Attacker as each carry the same dimensions.

As you recognize this within yourself you must recognize this within the Attacker.

Kenpo's use of physical communication is no different than sophisticated verbal communication.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Professor Chow's hands of death

Wouldn't want to get punched by that fist.