Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Professor Nick Cerio's - The Master's Text

Maybe one of kenpo's last "secret manuals". Or at least one of kenpo's "hardest to find a copy of" manuals. 

Written in 1984, apparently this is an excellent manual where Professor Cerio put all his most advanced information. Problem is you just can't find a copy anywhere.  Searches on Ebay and Amazon come up with nothing, and no one seems to be reprinting the manual either. 

(a review on Amazon)

This book is one of the most informative references out on kenpo from one of the most notable kenpo masters of all time, Professor Nick Cerio. For the most part this book focuses on the Nick Cerio's Kenpo system; including blocking drills, forms, weapon katas, and self-defense techniques. It also contains a section on the history of karate and kenpo. This book is well written and organized, and contains clear, precise photos of the techniques being shown. Nick Cerio put many years of his martial arts training and knowledge into this book. It's a MUST buy for any kenpo martial arts practitioner.


  1. I have a copy. There is nothing secret about it. Pretty much all the techniques and forms that are shown are covered by Cerio in the videos of him that are on YouTube.

  2. Would be happy to provide a list of the techs and forms shown in the book if you wish. Just let me know.

  3. This book was published in 1997. There were 500 numbered copies in the first printing.

  4. i think since it's hard to find, it would have been great to send this scanned version to internet archive or something
