Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Mr. Tatum on forms

(recently posted on Mr. Tatum's Facebook page)

Forms are made of all known Geometric Patterns that move about on three planes. ie; Vertical, horizontal, and Diagonal. These Patterns facilitate the use of your kenpo Basic's forward and reverse giving them function on a three-Dimensional level.

Although one can find many answers to dealing with an attack within the forms, they are not governed by rules of engagement.

While some Forms are (A) Symmetrical to each other (one side at a time) in design, others are just symmetrical (both sides being woven together). Within the Forms, these Patterns will Rise, Fall, and even Flatten out depending upon the Plane and perspective of the defender or attacker.

One of the greatest awareness or epiphanies in learning Kenpo is that you the individual are the host of all the Patterns. You are the Universal Pattern.

Most people move throughout their lives never knowing their physical relationship to the world in which they live. They are born and grow through different stages of growth while the Patterns within them rise and expand and contract depending upon the influence of the world influence.

At the peak of their physical stature and in their prime of wellness mentally and physically the Patterns within them expand in balance and maturity. As age consumes us these Patterns take on different shapes yet they hold together the best they can in an attempt to hold up our bodies so we can continue.

Health and Mental Maturity are the keys to keeping your Patterns in symmetrical alignment with each other.

Because Kenpo is built on the normal range of motion through normal body alignment it gives longevity to us in keeping our patterns strong and with integrity.

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