Sunday, June 16, 2024

Mr. Conatser on the base techniques of Mr. Parker's system

(recently posted on Facebook by Mr. Conatser)

In the beginning...there was FGM Ed Parker's kenpo in which the Tracy's were taught up until they left.

As Doc (Dr. Ron Chapel) stated FGM Parker was constantly evolving the system.

Organized, the original 32 that morphed into the 24 technique syllabus in late '78 had no a, b, c, d's ... rather there were single techniques as a "base" , then as the more experienced students moved up they were encouraged to make up their own hypothetical variations. The Base remained the same as a BASE.

I came up with the term "variable expansion" to express this concept.

Also, it was encouraged to study a "comparative analysis" of all the BASE techniques, forms & sets.

Rather than spend a lifetime on 400+ techniques... FGM Parker wanted the students to expand and tailor their material to themselves without destroying the "BASE".

The alphabet we learned (a-z) in early schooling has remained the same for centuries yet every year new definitions, spellings or words created from the original 26. Same idea as American Kenpo.

Those that "truly knew and studied with him" more than a few months know that he never "deleted" things but filed them for possible future use or reference. Rather, he chose to "simply expand" his BASE with any new ideas, concepts or material.

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