Sunday, May 22, 2022

What if the attacker fights back?

(recently posted on Facebook by Mr. Ron Chapel)

What if the attacker fights back? People that punch usually keep punching. People that attack with a kick usually follow up with another kick, punch, or grapple. 

You have a plan called a "technique." The attacker has one as well, and I'm pretty sure the attacker's plan isn't to throw one punch or kick, and then stand there so you can "do your thing." I'm mindful of the Mike Tyson quote; "Everybody has a plan until they get hit." You have to change your mindset in training.

We used the term "Time and Space Predictability" along with "Paired Rhythm." In Hop-logical interaction, The speed of one's action is not yours alone, if a successful application is a goal. Mr. Parker and I used the "Pool Table Analogy" to explain why these things are so important. "Everybody looks good playing Air Guitar, but things change when you have to perform with a real guitar and play music with others."

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