Monday, May 29, 2017

Need is the Seed

(from Mr. Dennis Conatser's Facebook page May 21st, 2014)

Ed Parker's American Kenpo is undoubtedly the most Dynamic & Pragmatic Self Defense System ever developed. It has been stated that "Necessity is the mother of invention", and Kenpo is no different. Although the reasons anyone develops an interest in any martial Art are quite varied, non the less a "need is the seed".

We must however, recognize realistically that any "effective" physical response/actions require "Coordination" which is ONLY developed through training. Regardless of the chosen {{{degree of response, passive or aggressive}}}. While we must clearly be aware of the legal consequences of any action or response that is "beyond what is necessary" to neutralize any aggressive confrontation or bullying intentions. We do have a need to initially utilize all means possible to avoid "harsh" physical engagement i.e., retreating, redirecting, or safely neutralizing and diffusing any acts of aggression..

This of course, IS most optimum...

However, we must NOT be so naive or ignore the potential reality that in some circumstances this plan of action may well be ineffective and possibly even instigate greater aggression. Thus, it would be far better to be prepared for aggressive engagement and not have to use it, than to need aggressive response and not be properly prepared~!

This Philosophy is simply Logical and a calculated Preparatory Consideration for a broad spectrum of potentially dangerous circumstances. To train students for minimal "hopeful or safer" responses to aggressive acts is irresponsible and lacks foresight and logical evaluation of real possibilities.

Man's gift is superior intellect over the lower species of the animal kingdom. He can develop any skills not found instinctive for self preservation and safety, yet In contrast, lower forms of animals all have acute instincts which naturally occur. The Tiger needs not learn to growl, utilize their sharp claws, deliver devastating strikes with blinding and accurate speed. The cape buffalo, rhinoceros, or mighty elk, instinctively coils and explosively utilizes their devastating horns or antlers.

In short, man has the superior mental & physical attributes to learn, coordinate, and train his body to become an effective weapon for self preservation which takes time to develop the mental (awareness) knowledge and physical coordination and reaction skills (which the base Kenpo system provides).
Attitude is the first consideration to mature usage of these developed abilities regardless. Broad preparedness for worst case scenarios is my concern. I don't prescribe to send my students to a potential war with partial skills.

This really puts the pressure on the {{Teachers}} to not only teach "ALL" the necessary skills, but the Hows, Whens, Whys, and to What degrees to apply any and all responses.