Friday, December 28, 2018

The direction Mr. Parker was going

(from a conversation on

That is the direction Mr. Parker was going, but he knew that "Ed Parker's Kenpo Karate' was only a baby step in that direction. He [Mr. Parker] planned another level of training and another organization that used the same patch but with a globe in the middle instead of just a "grey" circle. This was to be his elite guard. Taking people from the IKKA who showed potential and training them to step up to the other group. He had it all planned out and he wanted to start a security and personal protection business utilizing these guys with elite empty hand skills backed up by those of us who were in law enforcement acting as support staff and supervisors. He planned to use his Hollywood connections to make it work with celebs and notoriety from his film work, and Jeff Speakman's Perfect Weapon was to give that a big boost as well. He wanted desperately to get beyond his branded EPKK to get to his American Kenpo. He never said Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate," and never used the term.