Sunday, August 1, 2021

American Kenpo Karate by Mr. Irvin B. Gill

from the WKKA web page:

Want to enhance your training?

American Kenpo Karate: Its Key Principles and Rules is that map for the kenpo practitioner. This book explores the five key principles that are the reasons behind the physical movements encompassed by this martial arts system. Just because a movement involves a kick or a punch, it isn't necessarily karate, let alone American Kenpo. With that map, it is difficult to get off the track. 

Over 200 photographs demonstrate the concepts within this book, which was written so that anyone, martial artists and non-martial artists alike, can understand and appreciate it.

from Amazon

Almost 50 years ago, a new television show swept our nation and captured my attention. It was called “Kung Fu”. It starred David Carradine as a Shaolin monk wandering the American Wild West. The philosophy was appealing, the fight scenes were riveting, but what really captured my interest was the relationship between the young Kwai Chang Caine and his mentors Master Po and Master Kan. So, I set in search for my own Master Po. Over the years I visited various styles and schools in my area. None worked for me. Until 1990, when I met an older, white haired gentleman who taught something called American Kenpo. His manner drew me in; his love for what he taught was infectious. But as time passed, I discovered that I wanted the art to contain more that basic moves, katas and self-defense techniques. Was that all there was, just to collect movements as if they were trinkets for a curio cabinet? Where was the philosophy? Where were the fundamental principles? I felt as if I was lost in the woods. I needed a map to chart my course through the unknown. Because when you have a map, a compass and a point of reference, you know where you are, where you are going and how you are going to get there.American Kenpo Karate – the Key Principles is that map for the Kenpo practitioner. This book explores the five key principles that are the reasons behind the physical movements encompassed by this martial arts system. Just because a movement involves a kick or a punch, it isn’t necessarily karate, let alone American Kenpo. With that map, it is difficult to get off the track.There are over 200 photographs that help to demonstrate concepts within this book, which was written so that anyone, martial artists and non-martial artists alike, can understand and appreciate it.

To purchase book

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