Tuesday, August 22, 2023

A fun idea from USSD - the 5 Animal Medal Series

The 5 Animal Medal Series is an exclusive set of medals that celebrates your dedication, perseverance, and achievements in martial arts. What makes this collection truly unique is that it comes in 5 separate pieces, each representing a different Shaolin animal: Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Leopard, and Crane – all renowned for their strength, wisdom, and agility.  This medal is in addition to any medals you receive at tournaments for placing 1st - 4th in your division.  Keep reading to learn more...

Here's how the 5 Animal Medal Series works:

Participation and Progression: The journey begins when you compete in a minimum of 4 events at any given tournament. Upon doing that, you will be eligible to receive your first piece of the 5 Animal Medal along with the center USSD bonsai tree that holds it all together.  Then for each tournament that you compete in a minimum of 4 events, you will receive another piece of the medal.

Symbol of Excellence: As you collect each piece, you'll not only build an impressive medal but also showcase your commitment and growth in martial arts.

Coveted Completion: When you have earned all five animal pieces, you will have completed the 5 Animal Medal Series, earning a highly coveted and prestigious award to demonstrate your accomplishments.

Unite the Animals: Once you possess all five pieces, you can combine them to create an extraordinary and unique medal representing your personal journey through the martial arts.

This series aims to inspire our students to push their limits and embrace the spirit of competition, fostering a sense of camaraderie among students in all of United Studios of Self Defense.

We believe this initiative will encourage you to set new goals, participate in various events, and showcase your skills. Whether you're an experienced practitioner or just starting out, the 5 Animal Medal Series is a fantastic way to motivate yourself and celebrate your progress.

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