Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Kiss of the Dragon

Most kenpo students will receive something extra with their next belt promotion. In addition to a new belt or extra stripe they usually receive a kick or a punch to the gut from their teacher. Sometimes other instructors or black belts at the test will join in on the fun as well.

Sometimes referred to as "The Kiss of the Dragon", the severity of the kick or punch increases as the rank increases. A kick or a punch for a student receiving their black belt will have more force behind it compared to one given to a new green belt or brown belt.

As evident in the photo above, Mr. Parker seems to be at full strength as he kicks new black belt Berry Elwood in 1975. 

Even more interesting is Mr. Parker is throwing a side thrust instead of the normal front kick that we are used to seeing today. 

Apparently back in the day it was first a back kick, then it changed to a side kick and now most often we see front kicks.

You will even see punches and other strikes used during promotions. Legend has it during a promotion Steve Sanders was chopped in the side of his neck by Mr. Parker.

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